A payday bill that is supported by the industry, consumer groups and legislators passed 41-4 in the Senate and 102-6 in the House. The Governor decided to veto this bill. Law makers will probably over-ride this veto.
This article in The Sun brings up a good point:
“The administration has always fallen solidly on the side of maximizing individual liberty – so people are able to make both the stupid, and wise, decisions that are the hallmark of a free and market-based society,” the governor wrote in his June 2 message.
In a free market society, to make it work, we have to let people make bad decisions; if that is their will. If you don’t, it’s not free.
A spokesman from Advance America had this to say:
“the measure helps those who can’t pay, while ensuring access to the short-term credit.”
My understanding is, let people make decisions for themselves, whether their good or bad; but let’s alleviate the consequences if they’re extreme.